Archive for May, 2007
Update. Again.
It’s out, in its 725 page, re-edited glory! Shinier than ever, I suppose. Go grab it on our forums and drop a comment while you’re there! Have a blast.
Posted: May 21st, 2007 under Important Announcement, Naruto: d20 News.
Comments: none
News: Meatpie is still awesome. Tastamaglicious, even. Oh, and the update’s coming along. So many changes! I feel I should add another class. Any ideas? Something from D&D that looks good and would fit in the ND20 setting?
Posted: May 20th, 2007 under Important Announcement, Naruto: d20 News.
Comments: 4
Next update to come soon. I’m in the process of adding new things and completely revamping puppets. Thank Hastur on the forums for his great ideas.
Posted: May 18th, 2007 under Naruto: d20 News.
Comments: none
Update Out!
And at last, after a little while, the update is finally out. The main file now boasts 703 pages, a lot of new feats, classes, techniques and so such. Get it in our download section, or drop by the forum, snatch the file and drop us a comment!
Posted: May 9th, 2007 under d20 News, Important Announcement, Naruto: d20 News.
Comments: 3