Archive for 'General'
The Conjurer’s Codex
Next in the growing list of ND20 supplements is the Conjurer’s Codex, a two-volume supplement dedicated to help summoners get on top of their games. Among the two volumes, you can count 10 blood pacts, a bunch of new feats, 15 new sealed items, over 50 summon feats and 81 special summon creature. A limited […]
Posted: July 22nd, 2011 under General, Naruto: d20 News.
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Updates and things
The Naruto d20 main file has been updated and if you missed it, I also released the Sage’s Handbook yesterday, which was updated also. You may find them on the forum, or the sidebar download link. <— That way. If you have not already, feel free to subscribe to the Naruto d20 fan page to […]
Posted: September 12th, 2010 under General, Naruto: d20 News.
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Now on Facebook!
As the title implies, Naruto d20 is now on facebook if you prefer to get your news over there. So if all goes well, you can click this link, or…
Posted: January 7th, 2010 under General.
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I’d like to take some time today to thank one of you for the very nice gift I received: a brand new PS3 slim. As you can imagine, it was a very pleasant and unexpected surprise. Thank you!
Posted: November 30th, 2009 under General.
Comments: 2
The Future is Now.
Paradoxical statements aside, the update is fast approaching and bursting at the seams with new content, and stuff that was reworked almost entirely.
Posted: February 26th, 2008 under General, Naruto: d20 News.
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