Archive for 'Naruto: d20 News'
Update on Christmas? Hellz YEAH!
So, Frankto decided to give you all a gift for this merry season and he updated the mainfile (with bookmarks, thank you very much!), isn’t he sweet? We both want to wish you a happy non-denominational holiday and a very happy new year!
Posted: December 25th, 2009 under Naruto: d20 News.
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So a friend of mine came online tonight and saw I’d made a few changes. So he calls “update me! update me!” and I generously complied. Also, it helps that he serves as my Game Master more often than not. BUT! At the same time, I happened upon a ND20 game in progress, and in […]
Posted: November 14th, 2009 under Naruto: d20 News.
Comments: 1
Believe it or not, after a while, the Main File was updated today Friday the 13th.
Posted: February 13th, 2009 under Naruto: d20 News.
Comments: 2
For the coming update, a new system may be implemented for Naruto: d20 called “Archetype” and will help determine the abilities of your characters, create more original and deadlier enemies and offer a myriad of new possibilities for the Game Master to work with. Please have a read, voice your opinion and offer any suggestions […]
Posted: September 27th, 2008 under Naruto: d20 News.
Comments: 2
A Belated Notice
A new update for Naruto: d20 was released of April 11th. Enjoy!
Posted: April 17th, 2008 under Naruto: d20 News.
Comments: none