Store and the way of the master
Updates are few and far in-between on this thing, aren’t they? I had to wipe a layer of dust just to get to typing this post. Anyway, as you may know, the Naruto d20 Store is now up and running, and the Way of the Master is the first, but hopefully not the last supplement on there. Feel free to grab it for a measly $2.49!
In other news, I’ll hopefully be able to post a new bi-monthly column on this blog detailing famous ninja, artifacts and ninja organizations that some of you will hopefully either find interesting or be able to use in your campaigns or stories or things.
<— Naruto d20 Store this way!
That’s it for now. The main file update should be coming along sometime in March, I hope. You should enjoy this one–if all goes well, I’ll be able to add the elemental combination bloodlines, provided the author stops muddling up the details.
Don’t die, people.
PS: Did I mention the Way of the Master was only $2.49? Because it is. You should check it out!
Posted: February 27th, 2011 under Important Announcement, Naruto: d20 News.
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